Threshold: the Ultimate Fan Site

Thanks from the Fans

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Thanks from the Fans

Here are some of the messages e-mailed to this site by the fans, who would like to express their appreciation to the cast & creative team behind "Threshold" for a great, entertaining program!  

I decided to give all of the new "Lost wannabe" shows a try this
season, including Surface, Invasion, Night Stalker, Supernatural, and
Threshold.  For the first several weeks none of them had really
grabbed my imagination until a couple things happened.

First, I saw "The Order" and "Revelations" episodes of Threshold.
The writing, acting and production of these episodes were well beyond
anything the other shows were doing.  The cast was really starting to
explore their characters, the plot was actually advancing, and it was
a joy to watch.

And then I went to the CBS website and read writer Bragi Schut's blog
about the idea for the show.  There he mentions a second plan called
"Foothold" and other hints at where the show could go.  Combined with
my new appreciation of the cast and crew I was pretty much committed
to watching Threshold regardless of what night it aired, for as long
as it aired... unfortunately that was just for one more episode!

If I had to choose between any other show on TV and Threshold, I
would choose Threshold.  I would choose Threshold over Lost!
Everyone involved in the show has done a wonderful job and I would
love to see how the story continues.  Please find a new home for
Threshold; but if that can't happen thank you for what you've already
given us and let's see those un-aired episodes on DVD or on-line!

- Chad

Threshold was the only new show I made a mental note to be sure to see the premiere.  After I watched it, I was ready to run out and buy the whole DVD set!  I was hooked!

The fantastic cast, the interesting characters, and the premise made it my only 'must see' show.  Peter Dinklage and Brent Spiner were my favorites.  The characters were well-crafted, more realistic with minor flaws that only came up now and then.  I really liked how they are very different people and they aren't the best of friends, but they are trying to work together because they recognize a common threat.  They are experts, but they are not so egotistical as to act like this is going to be a piece of cake to solve.  They know they are in a unique and difficult situation.  I liked all of them, which is very, very rare.

The show was building an audience, I think mostly women.  CBS seemed to be trying to target the male 18-34 group, but, from what I gather from the boards, most of the viewers were female.  With Peter and Brent, it isn't surprising!  Perhaps CBS should have focused less on Molly and more on the guys?  Or, even replaced Molly with a male actor?  There are more women in the world than men. 

We were spreading the word on the internet.  There are a couple of great sites up already.

The show was about to get more complicated as it was indicated the aliens would start winning the battle.  It's a shame that we won't get to see what happens.

I realize there isn't a show that would be a good lead-in for Threshold on CBS.  You've got crime, sitcoms, and reality shows.  Threshold is unique.  That's why it deserved a chance and more support from CBS.  The critics thought it was the best and, for once, they're right.  CBS needs to be more daring -- willing to support a show that isn't part of a cookie mold.

I sincerely hope that another network, perhaps Sci-Fi Channel, will pick it up, if the cast and crew haven't already scattered to do other projects.  I don't have cable, but I'd still be delighted to hear if someone gives Threshold the chance that it deserves.
- Katherine from Austin, TX

I just read the news that Threshold has been cancelled.  I am soooo disappointed.  I love this show, the actor's and everything Threshold.
CBS did not give it a good chance.  I can't believe its gone!
Is there a chance that another network will pick it up?  Ohhh, I hope so.
Thanks to the cast and crew for a great show, it'll be missed!
- Neon

Hi I  live in England and I have just heard that Threshold has been cancelled.
I had waited for quite sometime for this show to air here.  It does not seem fair that the show has been cancelled. It is almost like people wanted this fail. I think the move to Tuesday night was very wrong.
I think the show would of improved as it went on.
All the cast were brilliant. My favourite was Brent Spiner. I have met this talented actor on a couple of occasions.
Let us hope that we will see the remainder of what episodes have been filmed.
- Pauline

I am thankful to Threshold for...
For being able to see my favorite android be human

For being able to watch the most perfect ensemble cast I have ever seen

For being able, what with the letters and emails and pestering friends to watch, to feel that I was helping maybe just a little bit

For being able to watch a show which proved that genres aren't pigeonholes and that being a follow-up on another show's success (it's pretty clear we have Lost to thank for Threshold) doesn't mean you can't be even better than that first show

For having it brought home to me, as a high-school senior coming to realize that nothing could mean more to me than working in television or film, how much I can fall for fictional universes and the works of their creators; and most of all that not only are success and quality not causally linked, but that the lack of the former does not in any way lessen the worthiness of the latter

That last one is important.  Threshold may be cancelled, but it got written - filmed - aired - watched.  It already won its victory.
P.S.  Any inclination anyone might have to make those already-ordered but unfilmed Threshold episode scripts available to us geeks who like reading television scripts would be very very very much appreciated!

P.P.S.  Someone tell Brent Spiner that I love him.  :-)

- Katie


CBS did the show a terrible disservice by switching it to Tuesday night opposite Law and Order SVU.
But I agree with you that the show is great.
Can we start a campaign to have the SciFi Network pick it up? Could it survive in syndication?
It has a wonderful cast and a great storyline.
- Chris

Threshold was the show I was most looking forward to this season, and it saddens me terribly to see it go.
I have loved Carla Gugino, Brent Spiner, and Charles S. Dutton in every performance I have seen these talented actors give; I was new to the work of Peter Dinklage, Rob Benedict and Brian Van Holt, but Threshold was a wonderful opportunity to discover them and I will be following their careers in the future.  The cast had a fantastic chemistry and a creative magic that was just beginning to blossom when the show was pulled.  They, and the creative team, were robbed just as the audience was.
I have nothing against the other scifi shows on TV now, but in my opinion Threshold surpassed them all with the quality of the cast, the writing, and the pedigree of the production team.  That it should be cancelled when there are so many lousy shows still on the air...depresses me, and is a sad testament to the quality of TV programming in the world today.  We need intelligent, entertaining shows like Threshold far more than we need the bottomfeeding reality shows clogging the airwaves today.
I would love to see the show revived on another channel...if that is not to be, I will happily follow the cast and creators on to whatever projects they have in the future.  If anyone with the show reads this, know that the fans are yours, not the networks, and that our admiration and loyalty won't be stifled by the bad decisions of CBS.
- Mariah

Do you have comments to add?  E-mail them to and see them included here!  (Last names and e-mail addresses will not be posted for privacy purposes.)

This is a non-profit *unofficial* fan site for the CBS television show Threshold.  This site is intended for entertainment and promotional purposes only; all images, characters, and program-related materials are property of CBS and the producers. 
No copyright infringement is intended.
 To learn more about Threshold, please visit the official CBS site.
If you have any concerns about this site's management or content, please contact me immediately at meg00524 (at) yahoo (dot) com.  Thank you!